Raspberry Pi 3 : Jessie and OpenCV

Installation of Jessie and OpenCv: Raspberry Pi 3

My internship finally started last week on Monday at Lambda Theta ! And the project assigned to me is automated calculation of volume of a box.

The idea is to calculate the volume by image processing and counting the pixel to get the size of an object. Currently, I won't go into much details of how exactly are we going to achieve it. But we are doing it using Raspberry Pi and OpenCv.

The obvious was first task to get the Pi running. I already had an old image which I decided to use for Raspberry Pi 3. And I was not able to do it ! I am not sure if the old images wont't work on the Raspberry Pi 3 because I couldn't make it run using it. I have installed images quite a time before and I am pretty sure I was doing it correctly. Anyways after realizing there was nothing wrong with the Pi, SD Card or my method I downloaded the latest image and it worked. 

So if you are planning on running your new pi make sure you have the latest image !

Once I got the it running the I switched over to SSH and VNC because I like running my Pi headless and control it using my laptop.

Here's the link if you want to go headless : https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/

Next step was to get OpenCV running and it took quite a lot of time to find a suitable tutorial to do that ! Because this will be the first time I'll be using OpenCV for any project !

I would suggest you use this tutorial to install OpenCv on RaspberryPi 3 : http://www.pyimagesearch.com/2016/04/18/install-guide-raspberry-pi-3-raspbian-jessie-opencv-3/  

And I must admit Adrian Rosebrock has done an amazing job and pyimagesearch is a must visit for those planing on doing OpenCV projects using Python !
