Raspberry Pi 3

So I finally bought Raspberry Pi 3 today ! Yaay :D

I bought my first Pi, 3 years back which was a Pi 1 B+. The difference 512 Mb of added RAM and on board Wifi and bluetooth module ! Obviously improved CPU too and that would make projects go faster !

For those of you who dont know what a Pi is, its basically a Single Board Computer ! Yes a computer of size of a card and it fits in your pocket. And no you dont't compare a Raspberry Pi to an Arduino because Arduino is just a microntroller.

I was looking at this MOOC on coursera. Control Of Mobile Robots by professor Magnus and it seems pretty exciting and I just loved the way he delivers the lecture. Any how my plan is to focus on the programming and simulaton assignments based on MATLAB. And then create a raspberry pi based robot implementing all the simulations !
